Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
9.15pm - 12.15pm |
9.15am - 12.15pm |
9.15am - 12.15pm |
9.15am - 12.15pm |
9.15am - 12.15pm |
12.15pm - 2.45pm |
12.15pm - 2.45pm |
12.15pm - 2.45pm |
12.15pm - 2.45pm |
Value |
We run a lunch club during the final 30 minutes of the morning session. All children need to bring in a packed lunch, even if they are not attending the afternoon session.
A Typical Day At Pre-School
- Children are welcomed into the Pre-School
- Registration. We ask the children to sit on the mat in our library corner; we call the register and encourage the children to answer to their name.
- At this time we involve the children in talking about the day of the week, the date, month, season and weather, using our calendar and weather chart.
- Show and tell: We encourage children to talk about items they have brought into Pre-School or photos they have brought in for our Links to Home Board.
- Free play and fun
- Rolling snack time - We provide a range of healthy snacks. Children are encouraged at this time to find their first name from the appropriate letter and picture pocket (photo in gallery) on our alphabet display board and hand it to the staff member at the snack table.
- Snacks can consist of one of the following items: toast; breadsticks; cream crackers; rice cakes; biscuits; satsumas; apples; various other fresh fruit when in season; raisins; carrot sticks; cucumber. Drinks available are either water or milk. We also take into requirement any dietary requirements/allergies the children may have. We have a water dispenser which is available to the children so that they can access drinks at any time during the session
- Group Activity - Examples of this are parachute, skittles, obstacle course, colour and number recognition activities, group large scale arts and crafts, musical movement and dancing.
- Small/ large group stories, songs and rhymes
- Outdoor play in small and large groups
- Lunch Club – children bring in a healthy packed lunch and then after we do colouring and worksheets
- Free play and fun
- Group activity
- Small/large group stories, songs and rhymes
- Outdoor play
- Home Time
Term Dates